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Fault Indicator

    1. Transient Fault Indicator
      When a single phase to the ground fault occurs in the distribution network, a special frequency sinusoidal current is injected through the central point. The current, except for the part in the central point arc suppression coil, forms a circuit through the fault point and the fault line.
    1. Transient Recorder Fault Indicator
      As an important part of the construction of smart grid, intelligent distribution network faces to a huge problem that how to locate the fault section quickly and accurately when the line fault, especially the small current grounding fault occurs.
    1. The panel fault indicator is produced based on State Grid Corporation standards (Q/GDW436一2010). It is a new monitoring system installed on the ring main unit, cable branch box and other equipment to monitor cable short circuits, detect ground faults and monitor the temperature of cable T-type heads.
    1. When a single phase to the ground fault occurs in the distribution network, a special frequency sinusoidal current is injected through the central point. The current, except part in the central point arc suppression coil, forms a circuit through the fault point and the fault line.